Dec 15, 2009

Green Telecom News & Nortel Sells Equipment!

For a change, it is not its divisions that is in news, but it is a product from Nortel that has made news.
Lightreading has reported sale of Nortel's 100GBPS system to Verizon Europe. Interesting.


More interesting stuff in this report on Green telecom initiatives from Tim Hills. While most companies have been focussed on reducing power consumption. This report and many market indicators indicate that now telcos have decided to take steps that improve the quality of power consumed.

The report correctly points to smart use of technology that will lead to major changes in system architectures.

One thing I would like to see is how can telecom equipment harness alternative energy. For example, a lot of mobile transceivers use Solar energy. Can this be brought to a significant level? Other ideas can be idle time harnessing, footprint optimization etc.

As the report correctly concludes Green telecom sells....but it also gives back to environment and ensures happy communications.

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